Friday, February 20, 2009

Phase 3: ???? Phase 4: Profit!!!

So mom and I have been doing some wedding hunting, and the more that things pop up that are "usual" for weddings, the more I balk. Flowers? Umm... expensive, and I think I could do them myself. Cake? Do we really need to have something that fancy? Place? Can't we just go to the courthouse?

Mom has really been getting frustrated with me, and I honestly don't blame her. We've at least settled on food and location. The arbor plaza at Central Park, Santa Clara is an intimate place for a reception, especially if we hold the ceremony at Mom and Dad's backyard and then just have everyone walk over to the park. We've also settled on Armadillo Willy's for food. I may have to sell David on it, as we're both vegetarian, but one of the side dishes is barbeque beans, which can easily become our veggie entree. Also, Dad can eat the food there, which is always a huge plus.

So. I've got the food, location, dress and guy nailed down. Now for the guest list. Also, I think I'll look up nearby flower growers.