He lived at home with his family for two years, when he moved into his long-term home, Agnews Developmental Center. There, he charmed the nurses and program directors, and his family could visit him any time (a privilege they abused happily).
He developed a relationship with his nurses, especially Nene, his "second mother". She could read him like no one else.
Kathy and I were never uncomfortable with him, even though he was different from everyone else we knew. We'd chase each other down the halls of Agnews or Kaiser, and clamor to be able to play with his toys. I was always a bit smug that he liked me more. In retrospect, my name is just easier to say. "Emmy" versus "Kathy". He loved everyone.
Everyone loved Willy back. He definitely was a charmer. Nurses and orderlies knew him wherever he went, and they would react like they had won the lotto whenever he smiled at them! He'd smile at the oddest things: Chicken Dance Elmo, mariachi music, and the forty-niners. Especially the forty-niners.
The past two years were especially difficult for Willy. Pneumonia meant more and longer trips to Kaiser, and a trach was placed in his throat, helping him breathe better at the cost of vocalization. Agnews closed, and everyone who worked there moved on to new work, and Willy finally moved into a group home, across the hall from one of his friends from Agnews, Becky. I caught this photo of him smiling as big as ever here.
A little more than a month after he moved into his new home, he got sick again, and returned to Kaiser. My parents asked me to visit him, to say goodbye. I sat next to him for an hour, putting together wedding invitations while we listened to Barney and This Old House together. He was grey, and responded very little.
That night, July 29, 2009, Willy passed away. The memorial service is August 8, 2009.
I will have a small dragon (his favorite animal) in my bouquet for him. David and I were going to visit him after the reception in our fancy clothes. This will have to do.
I love you, Willy.